Cars are the main mode أسعار السيارات الجديدة of transportation in Saudi Arabia, and many expats decide to purchase a vehicle during their time here. If you are planning to do the same, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Car prices vary depending on the brand and year of manufacture. A good way to check the market price of a car is to use an online aggregator, such as Syarah (). They display offers from different dealerships and present them in one convenient location. However, car stock changes faster than these websites can be updated, so make sure to check the latest information on a dealer’s website before making a final decision.
You can also buy a car from a private owner. In this case, it’s best to choose someone you know and trust. If you opt for this option, you must remember that you can only transfer the car’s registration from the former owner to your name if it has passed a FAHAS inspection. The cost of this is about SAR 100. It’s also a good idea to ask the seller to provide you with a copy of the maintenance and repair records.
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Before you start driving, it’s important to have mandatory car insurance in place. This can be third-party liability or comprehensive insurance. Generally speaking, comprehensive insurance is the better option, as it protects you from damage caused by other vehicles or other drivers. The price of this type of insurance depends on the size and value of your car, and it’s important to shop around for the best deals.