Day: September 22, 2023

House Foundation Repair TechniquesHouse Foundation Repair Techniques

house foundation repair techniques

Foundation damage often occurs because of moisture, whether it comes from heavy rains and storms, plumbing leaks within your home or outside, or water seepage through soil. Water causes soil components to swell or shrink, which can exert pressure on the foundation, causing it to sink. Fortunately, you can often spot the signs of foundation problems before they become serious. Cracks that widen, gaps in exterior walls, and sinking in the crawl space or basement are all red flags that it’s time to call a professional for house foundation repair.

The best FCS Foundation And Repair for strengthening a weak foundation depends on the type of soil and location under your home. If you have clay-based soil, for instance, a concrete slab foundation might not be the best option. In these cases, a pier and beam foundation is likely the better choice.

Concrete Slab Foundation Repair: Ensuring the Stability of Your Home

Steel piers are considered the gold standard for permanent foundation repair. They consist of galvanized steel posts that are driven into the ground beneath your foundation, typically up to bedrock or a compacted layer of soil. They are one of the most durable and long-lasting methods for repairing foundations, working in nearly all upper soil conditions.

Another good foundation repair technique is called slab jacking, also known as mud jacking. This involves drilling strategically placed 2” holes through the foundation into sunken areas beneath, then using small hoses to inject grout or foam underneath the home. This can quickly raise a sagging foundation, usually in hours, and is much less costly than installing new concrete.