Boycott a Meeting Day Blog How to Fill Potholes

How to Fill Potholes

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If your driveway, private road or path has a pothole it needs fixing as soon as possible to avoid any damage and keep it looking smart. While a professional tarmac contractor is often the best option for large projects and those that require heavy equipment, smaller potholes can be repaired easily by home owners with the right tools and a little time.Check this out :

Potholes are deep depressions on paved surfaces that develop over time due to weather and traffic. They can be the size of a basketball or even larger, with some extending a couple of feet across or more. They can be so big that they jostle cars or cause them to lose control as they drive over them.

Filling the Gap: Techniques for Pothole Repair

A common solution for filling potholes is to fill them with concrete. However, this is not as foolproof as it may sound. Concrete is prone to cracking over time, especially in colder temperatures. It is also impermeable, which means it will create runoff around the edges of the pothole and exacerbate erosion.

A better alternative is to fill them with loose gravel. This is super quick and cheap to do, and it can be used as a temporary fix until a more permanent solution can be found. The only downside is that it can also be a bit messy and you will need to keep adding more gravel as it breaks down or spreads. You will also need to compact the gravel with a wacker plate or petrol plate compactor (like the Hyundai Compactor 87cc or 196cc) for a smooth surface that is hard-wearing.

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